Valentine’s Day; an Advertisers Dream Date

Have you got that loving feeling yet? Don’t worry; you will when you take advantage of the magnificent marketing opportunities that Valentine’s Day offers.

According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, St. Valentines Day began as a liturgical celebration etc., etc., etc., and during the High Middle Ages was first transformed to a day of romantic love where lovers expressed their affections through presenting flowers, offering confectionary and sending hand-written greeting cards.

We all know what happened next – cue commercialisation and an advertiser’s dream.

Taking advantage of seasonal milestones like Valentine’s Day enhances brand awareness through leveraging peaked interests in consumerism and personally relating to the consumer. What does this mean? Basically, people are hyper-aware of advertisements and purchasing because of Valentine’s Day and when they see an ad relating to Valentine’s Day, they feel as though they are being directly spoken to.

Valentine’s Day is definitely not just for the chocolate, jewellery and florist industries. The following examples show a variety of creative advertisements from industries you wouldn’t normally consider could be involved but have done a good job in making themselves relevant.

Screen shot 2014-02-13 at 11.08.21 AM virginhappybreak-up-dayScreen shot 2014-02-13 at 11.12.35 AM            mcdonaldss-valentines-day-2013


And of course, a few of our favourites from a client of our own:

valentines-day-ad-durex   durex


If your brand is in need of a smart seasonal solution to become top-of-mind with your target markets, TD is feeling the love, so send us a Valentine’s email.